Can be either NIL (for no class index) or T (for the standard class index). Default value is NIL.
True iff the class definition was changed but the schemas haven't been updated yet. This flag is necessary because some MOP implementations don't call FINALIZE-INHERITANCE when a class was redefined and a new instance of the redefined class is created.
(defclass persistent-class (standard-class)
((persistent-slots :initform '()
:accessor class-persistent-slots)
(index :initarg :index :initform nil
:documentation "Can be either NIL (for no class index) or T
(for the standard class index). Default value is NIL.")
(changed-p :initform nil :accessor class-changed-p
:documentation "True iff the class definition was changed
but the schemas haven't been updated yet. This flag is necessary because
some MOP implementations don't call FINALIZE-INHERITANCE when a class
was redefined and a new instance of the redefined class is created.")))
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