A mapping from class names to a list (most recent version first) of schemas.
A mapping from a schema id to a schema.
When dirty, the schema table will be saved at the next commit.
(defclass schema-table ()
((pathname :initarg :pathname :accessor schema-table-pathname)
(by-name :initform (make-hash-table)
:documentation "A mapping from class names to a list (most
recent version first) of schemas."
:reader schema-table-by-name)
(by-id :initform (make-hash-table)
:documentation "A mapping from a schema id to a schema."
:accessor schema-table-by-id)
(highest-schema-id :initform 0 :accessor highest-schema-id)
(dirty-p :initform nil :accessor dirty-p
:documentation "When dirty, the schema table will be saved
at the next commit.")))
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