Generic Function: RUCKSACK-MAP-SLOT


FUNCTION is a unary function that gets called for all instances of the specified class that have a slot value matching the EQUAL, MIN, MAX INCLUDE-MIN and INCLUDE-MAX arguments (see the documentation of MAP-INDEX for a description of these arguments). ORDER can be either :ASCENDING (default) or :DESCENDING; currently, the specified order will be respected for instances of one class but not across subclasses. If ID-ONLY is T (default is NIL), the function will be called with object ids instead of 'real' objects. This can be handy if you want to do more filtering before actually loading objects from disk. INCLUDE-SUBCLASSES defaults to T.


(defgeneric rucksack-map-slot (rucksack class slot function
                              &key equal min max include-min include-max order
 " FUNCTION is a unary function that gets called for all instances of
the specified class that have a slot value matching the EQUAL, MIN,
MAX INCLUDE-MIN and INCLUDE-MAX arguments (see the documentation of
MAP-INDEX for a description of these arguments).
  ORDER can be either :ASCENDING (default) or :DESCENDING; currently,
the specified order will be respected for instances of one class but
not across subclasses.
  If ID-ONLY is T (default is NIL), the function will be called with
object ids instead of 'real' objects.  This can be handy if you want to
do more filtering before actually loading objects from disk.
  INCLUDE-SUBCLASSES defaults to T."))
Source Context