
(defmethod collect-some-garbage ((heap mark-and-sweep-heap) amount)
  ;; Collect at least the specified amount of garbage
  ;; (i.e. mark or sweep at least the specified amount of octets).
  ;; DO: We probably need a heap lock here?
  (unless (gc-doing-work heap) ; Don't do recursive GCs.
          (setf (gc-doing-work heap) t)
          (loop until (or (eql (state heap) :ready) (<= amount 0))
                do (ecase (state heap)
                      (let ((rucksack (rucksack heap)))
                        ;; We were not collecting garbage; start doing that now.
                        (setf (nr-object-bytes-marked heap) 0
                              (nr-heap-bytes-scanned heap) 0
                              (nr-heap-bytes-sweeped heap) 0
                              (nr-object-bytes-sweeped heap) 0
                              ;; We don't need to copy the roots, because we're not
                              ;; going to modify the list (just push and pop).
                              ;; But we do need to add the btrees for the class-index-table
                              ;; and slot-index-tables to the GC roots.
                              (roots heap) (append (and (slot-boundp rucksack 'class-index-table)
                                                        (list (slot-value rucksack 'class-index-table)))
                                                   (and (slot-boundp rucksack 'slot-index-tables)
                                                        (list (slot-value rucksack 'slot-index-tables)))
                                                   (slot-value (rucksack heap) 'roots))))
                      (setf (state heap) :marking-object-table))
                      (decf amount (mark-some-objects-in-table heap amount)))
                      (decf amount (mark-some-roots heap amount)))
                      (decf amount (sweep-some-heap-blocks heap amount)))
                      (decf amount (sweep-some-object-blocks heap amount)))
                      ;;  Grow the heap by the specified GROW-SIZE.
                      (if (integerp (grow-size heap))
                          (incf (max-heap-end heap) (grow-size heap))
                        (setf (max-heap-end heap)
                              (round (* (grow-size heap) (max-heap-end heap)))))
                      (setf (state heap) :ready)))))
      (setf (gc-doing-work heap) nil))))
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