
(defmethod rucksack-update-class-index ((rucksack standard-rucksack)
                                        (class persistent-class))
  (let ((old-index (rucksack-class-index rucksack class :errorp nil))
        (needs-index-p (class-index class)))
    (cond ((and old-index (not needs-index-p))
           (rucksack-remove-class-index rucksack class :errorp t))
          ((and (not old-index) needs-index-p)
           ;; Create a class index now.
           ;; NOTE: If there are existing instances of this class,
           ;; they're *not* automatically indexed at this point.
           ;; (In fact, the only way to do this would be to iterate
           ;; over *all* objects in the rucksack, which would be rather
           ;; expensive.  Then again, it's exactly what the garbage
           ;; collector does anyway, so it may be an option to have the
           ;; garbage collector index them automatically.  But I'm not
           ;; sure if that's a good idea.)
           (rucksack-add-class-index rucksack class :errorp t))
           ;; We don't need to change anything
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