
(defmethod sweep-some-heap-blocks ((heap mark-and-sweep-heap)
                                   (amount integer))
  (let* ((object-table (object-table heap))
         (block (+ (heap-start heap) (nr-heap-bytes-sweeped heap)))
         (work-done 0))
    ;; Sweep across the heap, looking for dead blocks.
     while (and (< work-done amount)
                (< block (heap-end heap)))
     do (multiple-value-bind (block-header block-start)
            (read-block-start heap block)
          ;; For non-free blocks, the block start contains a previous-pointer,
          ;; which can be either nil or a positive integer.
          ;; A negative block-start means the block already belongs to
          ;; a free list. In that case, the block size is the abs of
          ;; the block start.
          ;; A non-negative (or nil) block-start means the block is occupied.
          ;; In that case, the block size is in the header.
          (let* ((free-p (and (integerp block-start) (minusp block-start)))
                 (block-size (if free-p (- block-start) block-header)))
            ;; Reclaim dead blocks.
            (when (not free-p) ; only non-free blocks
              (let* ((heap-stream (heap-stream heap))
                     (object-id (progn
                                  (deserialize heap-stream)
                                  (deserialize heap-stream))))
                (when (not (block-alive-p object-table object-id block))
                  ;; The block is dead (either because the object is dead
                  ;; or because the block contains an old version): return
                  ;; the block to its free list.
                  (deallocate-block block heap))))
            (incf work-done block-size)
            ;; Move to next block (if there is one).
            (incf block block-size))))
    (incf (nr-heap-bytes-sweeped heap) work-done)
    (when (>= block (heap-end heap))
      ;; We've finished sweeping the heap: move to the next state.
      (setf (state heap) :sweeping-object-table))
    ;; Return the amount of work done.
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