(defmethod transaction-commit-1 ((transaction standard-transaction)
(cache standard-cache)
(rucksack standard-rucksack))
;; Save all dirty objects to disk.
(if (zerop (transaction-nr-dirty-objects transaction))
(close-transaction cache transaction)
;; 1. Create the commit file
(create-commit-file transaction cache)
;; 2. Commit all dirty objects.
;; Q: What if this is interleaved with other commits?
(let ((queue (dirty-queue transaction))
(table (dirty-objects transaction))
(heap (heap cache))
(with-allocation-counter (heap)
(loop until (queue-empty-p queue)
do (let* ((id (queue-remove queue))
(object (gethash id table)))
(when object
;; If it's not in the dirty-objects table anymore, the
;; object was already saved during this transaction-commit.
;; That's possible, because the queue can contain duplicates.
(save-dirty-object object cache transaction id)
;; Remove from hash-table too.
(remhash id table))))
(setq nr-allocated-octets (nr-allocated-octets heap)))
;; Check for consistency between hash table and queue.
(unless (zerop (hash-table-count table))
"Mismatch between dirty hash-table and queue while committing ~S:
~D objects left in hash-table."
(hash-table-count table)))
;; 3. Remove transaction from the cache's open transactions.
(close-transaction cache transaction)
;; 4. Delete the commit file to indicate that everything went fine
;; and we don't need to recover from this commit.
(delete-commit-file transaction cache)
;; 5. Let the garbage collector do an amount of work proportional
;; to the number of octets that were allocated during the commit.
(when *collect-garbage-on-commit*
(collect-some-garbage heap
(gc-work-for-size heap nr-allocated-octets)))
;; 6. Make sure that all changes are actually on disk before
;; we continue.
(finish-all-output rucksack)))))
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