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11 Error handling

Djula catches errors and barfs them to the template output by default.

That is controlled via the *CATCH-TEMPLATE-ERRORS-P* variable. If changed to NIL, then errors are not caught anymore and are debuggable from the lisp listener.

Djula provides more or less verbosity in template errors. Verbosity is controlled via the variable *VERBOSE-ERRORS-P*.

Also, there’s a fancy page to display errors, which can be disabled if desired. That is controlled via the variable *FANCY-ERROR-TEMPLATE-P*

11.1 API

Variable: *catch-template-errors-p*

When enabled, caught errors during the rendering of the template are written to the output instead of being handled by the lisp listener. This is enabled by default.

Variable: *fancy-error-template-p*

When enabled, show a fancy template when an error ocurrs. This is enabled by default.

Variable: *verbose-errors-p*

When enabled, errors are displayed more verbosely. Good for debugging. This is enabled by default.

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