Generic Function CLOSE-CACHE Closes the cache.
Generic Function CACHE-SIZE Returns the number of non-dirty objects that the cache may keep in memory.
Generic Function CACHE-COUNT Returns the number of objects (both dirty and non-dirty) in the cache.
Generic Function CACHE-CREATE-OBJECT Adds a new object to the cache and returns an object id that can be used to retrieve the object from the cache.
Generic Function CACHE-GET-OBJECT Retrieves the object with the given id from the cache and returns that object.
Generic Function CACHE-DELETE-OBJECT Removes an object-id from the cache and from the object table, so the object-id can be reused for another object later.
Generic Function CACHE-COMMIT Makes sure that all changes to the cache are written to disk.
Generic Function CACHE-ROLLBACK Undoes all cache changes that were made since the last cache-commit.
Generic Function CACHE-RECOVER Undoes partially committed transactions to ensure that the cache is in a consistent state.
Generic Function OPEN-TRANSACTION Adds a transaction to the set of open transactions.
Generic Function CLOSE-TRANSACTION Removes a transaction from the set of open transactions.
Generic Function MAP-TRANSACTIONS Applies a function to each open transaction in a cache.
Class LAZY-CACHE A lazy cache doesn't bother with fancy mechanisms for deciding which objects to remove from the cache.
Function SANS Returns PLIST with keyword arguments from KEYS removed.
Method (CACHE-TOUCH-OBJECT T STANDARD-CACHE) Checks for transaction conflicts and signals a transaction conflict if necessary.
Function FIND-OBJECT-VERSION Returns the object version for OBJECT-ID that's compatible with CURRENT-TRANSACTION, or NIL if there's no such version in the cache memory.
Generic Function UNDO-OBJECT-COMMIT If the object version list contains a version with the given transaction-id, unhook that version from the list.