Generic Function HEAP-STREAM Returns the heap's stream.
Generic Function HEAP-START Returns the position of the first block in the heap.
Generic Function HEAP-END Returns the end of the heap.
Generic Function SETF HEAP-END Modifies the end of the heap.
Generic Function ALLOCATE-BLOCK Allocates a block of the requested size and returns the heap position of that block.
Constant +POINTER-SIZE+ The number of octets for a heap pointer.
Class FREE-LIST-HEAP This heap uses a 'segregated free list' system: the first list contains 16-octet blocks (including the header), the second list contains 32-octet blocks, the third has 64-octet blo
Function FREE-LIST-POINTER Returns a pointer to the cell containing the free list start.
Method (SIZE-CLASS T FREE-LIST-HEAP) Returns the (zero-indexed) number of a free-list that has blocks with sizes at least as big as the specified size.
Method (FREE-LIST-START FREE-LIST-HEAP) Returns the first block on the free list of the specified size class.
Generic Function BLOCK-SIZE Returns the size of the block starting at the specified position.
Method (CARVE-UP-BLOCK-FOR-FREE-LIST T T T FREE-LIST-HEAP) Carves up a block of the given size to build a free list for the specified size-class.
Class SIMPLE-FREE-LIST-HEAP All blocks in a simple free list heap have the same size.
Variable *DEFAULT-BUFFER-SIZE* The number of octets that are allocated initially for a buffer.